You will probably be so enraptured by how cute and lovable a new puppy is when you add it to your home that you will become numb to the fact that it is also important for you to help the puppy acclimate itself properly to its new home; while part of helping your puppy acclimate itself will have to do with making the puppy feel comfortable and safe, another part of helping a puppy acclimate itself will have to do with making sure this puppy will grow up into an obedient and enjoyable dog!
When you are bringing a puppy into your home, the first thing you should do is make them feel as comfortable, as safe, and as secure as possible; realize that a puppy has a need for a safe, loving, and nurturing environment, so shower this puppy with love and affection while doing everything you can to ensure that the puppy is comfy and safe.
Of course, loving on the puppy and keeping it comfortable and safe is the easy part, but one step that is a bit harder - but that is just as important - is that you also start training the puppy and setting boundaries; you will want to do this while still continuing to express love and communicate safety to the puppy, but keep a firm hand as well, realizing that a puppy will naturally try to push the boundaries, and you will have a mess on your hands down the road if you allow your puppy to do this now!
And you will want to get your puppy exercise from an early age in order to help them acclimate; when most people think of "exercise," they think of physical exercise, but while physical exercise is part of the prescription for helping your puppy acclimate, you will also want to make sure your puppy gets mental and social exercise as well, as this will help them grow into a well-adjusted adult.
When you bring a new puppy home and try to help them acclimate to your home, there will be a steep learning curve, but the learning curve will be a whole lot easier for you and your family to endure as you keep these tips in mind.
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