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You probably have a pretty good feel for making sure that what you are doing is safe, and that you are keeping yourself safe no matter what you are doing, if you live in the city, but if you are traveling to a city to see friends or family - or if you are simply going to the city for vacation - and are not used to the city dynamics, it will be important that you are doing what you can to keep yourself safe. When you are attempting to stay safe while spending time in the city, of course, your best weapon will be common sense, but even when you use common sense, you can find yourself in danger - and if that happens to be the case, you can use these tips to mollify the situation. Keep mace on you: Having mace or pepper spray on hand will go a long way in keeping you protected when you are in the city; you never know when you might come in contact with someone who means you harm, or when you might end up all alone unexpectedly, and will need to keep yourself safe, and mace will be a great sidekick in such situations. Keep a cell phone on you: When you are in the city, you should make sure you always have a way to get a hold of people, as the city itself is a lot less predictable than rural areas, and having the security and convenience of a cell phone will be important. Keep your cool: And the big thing will be that you make sure you do not panic when you find yourself in a situation you are not accustomed to; keep your cool, and this will enable you to keep your head about you and solve the situation. No matter where you are, bad things can happen on any given day, but if you are not used to being in the city, it will be important that you are prepared for both the bad and the surprising things that have a tendency to occur!
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