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You may be overwhelmed by the shear number of pictures you have in drawers, shoeboxes, and scattered in shelves. We sometimes have no clue as to what to do with this massive amount of negetives. No one wants to just toss them to save room. There are a number of options you can explore to get your photographs organized. The Ion Audio Photo, Slide, and Film Scanner is a great solution to clutter issues with photographs. This stand alone system doesn't require a computer to function. The Ion is capable of scanning photos up to 5x7 Inches and also negatives into a digital file. You can then save the files onto an SD card. One great way to use the SD card is to transfer the photograhs to a digital picture frame. You can then toss out the photos you have scanned without a ton of guilt. Scrapbooking is another option to use the photographs. There are a number of pre-packaged kits that you can purchase to speed up the process of getting a scrapbook made. When people think of scrapbooking they sometimes think of super ornate pages, but you certainly don’t have to do this. You can share yoru scrapbooks with others which is a great thing to do. If you don’t really want to toss your pictures, but need a better place to store them then a shoe box one great option is a double photokeeper case. This case is acid free and therefore ideal to keep your photographs in. Furthermore it gives you the option of organizing your photograhps. This organizer holds a total of 100 pictures so if you have more then this you will need another box. Stop feeling overwhelmed by the number of photos you have. Getting yoru photos organized can really amke you feel much better. If you get this project done not only will you be getting organized but you will feel great.
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