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Even if you have been using Twitter for a while, one thing that can be difficult is trying to figure out how to start a hashtag (a link created by using the "#" symbol) that people actually use! If you are using Twitter to promote your business, a hashtag that is in use can be a huge benefit in helping you expand your following - but it is not quite as simple as adding a hashtag to a word and watching it grow! One of the main ways by which you will get people to notice your hashtag is getting others to actually use it; after all, your Twitter following only stretches so far, but if you can get other people to add their following to the people who are seeing the hashtag, you can build some serious buzz. If you want your followers to start using the hashtag in question, the best way to accomplish this is by making it something that is applicable to them; for instance, if you have an ice cream shop, you can run a contest on your company's website for an ice cream gift certificate, and in order to promote it, you can start the hashtag "#FreeIceCream." As this hashtag will effectively catch people's attention, they will click on it - and in this way, they will be guided to your Twitter page, your website, and (ultimately) your store! You can also start a successful hashtag without running a contest, as long as you are able to still make it something that is applicable and appealing to your followers; perhaps get into the habit of starting a daily topic that has to do with trivia, or with issues in the community, or with how great your customers are! When you are able to come up with hashtags that get your Twitter followers to use them, you will be able to get other people to notice; in this way, your Twitter exposure will grow, your Twitter following will grow, and your business will soon follow suit and start growing as well!
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