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For most people, macaroni and cheese is always a great dinner choice - but if you are thinking of making some mac and cheese straight from the box, it will also be a terribly unhealthy dinner choice; while it is tough to make macaroni and cheese that is truly "healthy," it is at least possible to make some that is "more healthy," and that tastes great to boot! It is very easy to make Swiss mac and cheese, and whether you are cooking for a whole family or cooking just for yourself, it is always an excellent choice, as it feeds plenty of people at once, and as it stores easily in the fridge for just about as long as you could want! The first thing you will need, of course, is a box of macaroni elbows for your Swiss mac and cheese; rather than buying over-processed macaroni, however, shell out an extra dollar or two for the fresh, organic macaroni, as this will go a long way in making your meal a much healthier one. As you boil the water for the macaroni, heat up some oil in a pan, cut up half a yellow union, and - when the oil is hot - add the onions to the pan, stirring regularly; when the onions start to get slightly brown, add a bit of honey to the pan, and continue stirring until the onions begin to border on black. Around this time, you should be able to add the macaroni to the water, and you can start grating a block of fresh, organic Swiss cheese; cook the macaroni the way you normally would, then drain it and return it to the pot in which it was cooked. From this point, everything is simple: add the onions and cheese to the pasta, stir until the cheese melts, then add just a little bit of cream and a healthy helping of pepper, and just like that - in no more than 20 or 30 minutes - you will have a great big helping of delicious Swiss macaroni and cheese!
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