Sunday, January 3, 2016

Tips For Raising Children Who Enjoy Reading

Make up to 6 figures with a list of 10 people!

If you enjoy reading, one thing that you will probably hope for is that you will have children who enjoy reading also, but with the immediate gratification of video games, television, and the Internet, raising children who enjoy reading is usually more difficult these days than just making them read, or just limiting the amount of time they are allowed to spend at the television and the computer; the good news, however, is that you can still raise children who enjoy reading, as long as you follow a few simple steps.

Children want to do things that are "fun" to them, which means that it will be important that you make reading "fun" if you want it to be something that they want to do; one way to make reading fun is to read to them when they are kids - and not just at bedtime, but in the evening or at other times of day as well - and another great way to make reading fun is to make it a reward, something they are allowed to do if they get all their chores done, or something they are allowed to stay up 30 minutes past their bedtime to do.

As your children grow older, and as their love for reading continues to grow, they may want to read books that you feel are "over their head" - either because the content is too complicated, or because the book itself was written for adults - but rather than preventing them from reading these books and making them read books that you feel are more "appropriate" for them, it will be better for you to allow them to read these books, and to simply provide them with guidance along the way.

And there will be things besides books that your children will want to spend their money on once they become teenagers; if you give your children an allowance, consider giving them a "book allowance" that is separate from their regular allowance - and even if you do not give your children an allowance, you may want to think about letting them pick out one or two books each month that you will buy for them.

Each child is certainly unique and different, of course, but by following these tips, you will greatly increase the chances that your children will grow up loving to read!

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